Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment Overview
- The risk assessment using scientific techniques regarding the overall preparation of data related to the approval of biocides and the data related to risks for the registration of chemical substances according to the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals
- According to Article 5 of the Enforcement Rule of the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances, data on risks must be submitted if the amount of the chemical substance to be manufactured or imported exceeds 10 tons per year upon its registration or if chemical substances are deemed to require a risk assessment according to the hazard review result
- Hazard Assessment
- Environmental fate & pathways
- Ecotoxicological
- Toxicological
- Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic(PBT)
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Characterization
- Risk Management Control
- Provision of Risk Information
- Exposure Assessment
- Development of exposure scenario
- Confirmation or estimation of exposure dose
- Preparation of risk level reduction measures
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Characterization
- Risk Management Control
- Provision of Risk Information
Services Provided for Risk Assessment
Assessment under the 「Act on
Registration and Evaluation of
Chemicals(K-REACH)」, preparation dossiers -
assessment according to the
「Consumer Chemical Products and
Biocide Safety Control Act(K-BPR)」, preparation dossiers